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Re: 3c589 PCMCIA on A1200 - possible resolution to PR port-amiga/31134

is%netbsd.org@localhost wrote:

> and netbsd-7ish kernels
>> in ftp;//ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/is/pcmciafix
>> please? (Assuming you have an 8ish setup on your A1200, otherwise).

Fortunately I still have a 7.0 setup on my A1200, so I could test your 7.1.2
kernel. The 8-bit DLink LAN-adapter still works fine. And my CF-card
adapter, which didn't work at all before, now displays the correct name and
size of the CF-card. So I guess this kernel is fine.

Although I have to add that CF-cards are still unusable for me via PCMCIA,
as I get "IDENTIFY failed" when accessing the disk. But that's no
difference to the 9.99.x kernel and it probably just means that not all ATA
commands are correctly implemented in this CF card (it's a pretty old
SanDisk, with just 128 MB)?

Frank Wille

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