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Re: Keyboard lockup with NetBSD5

Hm. But why are there some A1200-owners without this problem, like John
Klos? What is the difference?

I installed my A1200 into a 1U case many years ago, so my motherboard's keyboard controller has two pins physically disconnected and an external keyboard port's pins run in their place.

Different hardware (board) revisions?
I have the PCMCIA reset fix applied to Gayle. Maybe this is a problem?
I also noticed that my card is not reseted between reboots, I have to unplug it before the kernel boots.

I have the reset fix applied, but I thought the whole point of the reset fix was so that the PCMCIA cards would be properly reset at reboot time. After all, what would be the point of rackmounting my machine and colocating it if every time I rebooted, I had to drive to the datacenter and unplug / replug the network card?

I'd be interested to hear more about why you have to unplug the card, although it seems like PCMCIA has been ruled out already.


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