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Re: Keyboard lockup with NetBSD5

Hello Frank,

I am sorry, but the problem still exists.
But it is somewhat improved compared to the install kernel as I can type now up to seven chars
before lockup instead of one or two :-)


Am 08.10.2009 um 22:00 schrieb Frank Wille:

Alexander Coers wrote:

I recently tried to install NetBSD 5 on my Amiga 1200.
It is equipped with a Blizzard 060 PPC and 256 MB RAM inside the
original desktop case.
I am facing the same problem  already mentioned here: keyboard lockup
after the install kernel boots.

I installed NetBSD 4 now without problems.
How can I help to find this keyboard thing?

As you have NetBSD 4 running you could try to boot a recent kernel. Single user mode would be enough (just enter the -s option in the boot screen).
Please try the generic 5.99.20 kernel from today:


Then verify if the problem still exists (by typing :).

Frank Wille

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