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Re: How to build amigappc kernel and a minimal system to test?


On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 10:57:36AM +0100, Pawel Chwalowski wrote:

> Yes. So, to build amigappc binaries I need only a build.sh script
> as always? There is no "special recipe"? I mean it is not necessary?
> That's ok. The text on the port amigappc web page is not so clear:
> "A recipe to create a NetBSD/AmigaPPC kernel and a minimal system
> to test it will appear here shortly". It suggest me that it is
> something special to do.

Yes, you need to fix the parts of amigappc that aren't build.sh (and post-1.5
powerPC common code) compatible.

Sorry, was on my todo list for the weekend before last, but I got sick

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