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Re: mysql compile on Netbsd/m68k

In article <1104491824.20105.106.camel%sylvester.rd.forthnet.gr@localhost>,
        Emm Vasilakis <evas%agn.forthnet.gr@localhost> writes:
> did that, got the same error:
> cc1plus in malloc(): error: brk(2) failed [internal error]
> sql_yacc.cc:11507: Internal compiler error.
> sql_yacc.cc:11507: Please submit a full bug report.

Ok. The error seems not be related to memory shortage.

> (But i didnt do a make clean and reconfigure, not needed right?)

No, you didn't.

        Kind regards

Matthias Scheler                                  http://scheler.de/~matthias/

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