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Mounting and using ZIp100-drive

Hi, everyone !

Does anybody know how to mount an internal SCSI-ZIP100 drive with NetBSD 1.5.2 ?
I want to mount it to /usr/pkgsrc/distfiles.
This way I could download packages with my Amiga/Miami/ATC setup and use them 
when I boot into NetBSD.
Is it possible to format it with a Win95 compatible filesystem - because of 
long filenames - ? I've experimented with "dosemu" and the like but failed (8.3 

Therefore I need a ZIP100-disk formatted with a filesystem read and write 
accessible by Amiga and NetBSD.
Any ideas and suggestions ?

Many thanks,

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thomas-Peter Klug [HonestJohn]
thomas-peter.klug%db.com@localhost, thomas-peter.klug%debitel.net@localhost
- OS3.9/PIV*Concierto*Paloma*Pablo
- 128MB/P96v2.0
<*>>>26.09.2001, 11:11:54<<<*>

Fortune # 2715:
life, n.:
    Learning about people the hard way -- by being one.


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