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Re: Install failrues with 1.5?

Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

> Two people complained about install failures, and I can't find the
> messages anymore...
> one wiht network disabled, one with network enabled.
> Whatever it is: I did installations over the network onto a Xsurf board
> A3000, and it works fine either way (with the exception that without
> network I can't get at the install files).

I had this error (netstat: kvm_read ...) with an A4000 + Ariadne I.
Today I repeated the procedure with my A3000 + XSurf and got
exactly the same messages, when enabling network.

Which kernel did you boot? netbsd.GENERIC or netbsd.INSTALL? I was
using netbsd.GENERIC in both cases, but a few minutes ago I found
out that the problem doesn't exist with netbsd.INSTALL!

> I suggest that you try the usual non - -S, -n0, and if this fails,

I'm always using GoBSD, but now I tried it with loadbsd too. No
difference. GENERIC fails. INSTALL works.

   _  Frank Wille (frank%phoenix.owl.de@localhost)
_ //  http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/   Phx @ #AmigaGer

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