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Re: problems after install

On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 01:00:28PM -0500, Amigauser wrote:
> 1) I need to find some kind of docs on vi. I can seem
> to work on the config files with it. Or install 
> another program to edit the config files.

  "man vi" should help you. Which editor to use is always
  a very personal decision ;-)

> 2) I don't know how this happened but usr is installed
> on sd0a. Plus I am not sure how to mount the sd0e 
> partition, and copy usr to it.

  Your /usr partition wasn't mounted during install I would
  guess. If your root partition didn't fill up during install
  I think you made it a little bit to big ;-)

  To move /usr to the correct place do the following:

    - mount your /usr partition to eg. /mnt
    - cd /usr ; tar -cf - . | (cd /mnt && tar -xf -)
      (be _very_ careful with the above commandline!)
    - edit /etc/fstab and add the correct /usr mount data

  To delete the old stuff under /usr you must go into single
  usermode with (shutdown now). Then you may delete everything
  under /usr but leave the directory intact! Finally you type
  "exit" and the system should go again into multiuser mode

> 3) I need to know if there is a way to make the NetBSD
> screen take up the entire monitor. Right now it only
> uses the right side of the screen.

  You need to play with the monitor controls to fit the screen
  over the entire display.

> Plus I would like to be able to make the text bigger.

  I think one can use a bigger font but that means recompiling
  the kernel. Consult the GENERIC configuration to find out how
  todo it.

> 4) I would like to be able to build an optimized
> kernel for an 060. (Plus compile the web server) 
> What version of C do I need to use to do this?

  The included compiler. You did install the comp.tgz package,
  didn't you?


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