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Re: CSPPC SCSI hangs

Quoting John Klos (17-May-00 06:47:44):

>> While booting up with -I 0xffff00, NetBSD is able to take the *.tgz
>> files from the viking (which is connected to the CSPPC SCSI). So
>> this really seems to work!
>> I have the impression (not sure at all!) that my final external
>> device, the HP 6200C scanner doesn't terminate properly
>> (=actively?). The docs say it is supposed to terminate actively,
>> but I'm not sure at all.
>> At least, we do know now that it works with sync off.

> You have an issue with termination. The scanner probably does
> terminate properly, but as it's not a wide device, it won't
> terminate the wide portion of the SCSI bus.

Correct. But the upper 8 bits are terminated at the adapter, which
reduces the wide SCSI bus to the narrow SCSI bus. This adapter
actively therminates the bus.

> I have never found an adapter to go from wide SCSI to narrow SCSI
> that terminates just the upper 8 lines (plus one control line), but
> it is said that they exist.

I have 2 of them.

Cu  Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
    PGP 2.6.3i / 5.1i public key on request and on public servers

... N1, TO/GA, 80 KTS, V1, Rotate, V2

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