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How to build optimized X-Window-binaries for 060?

Hello List,

> If you want to compile all binaries with -m68060 add the
> following line
> to /etc/mk.conf:
> M68060=1
> COPTS=-m68060

My system has been build correctly, and (while still being in an adventurous
mood), I would like to give X-Window a try too.

> If you would like to compile X-Windows for 68060, modify:
> /usr/xsrc/xc/config/cf/NetBSD.cf

Could someone elaborate a bit on this?

I mean, I looked in the config file mentioned, but am a bit overwelmed, to
say the least. I noticed that all lines are commented. Does this mean I have
to uncomment everything I wish to be checked? Or is make smart enough to
figure it out?

Furthermore, what is it exactly that I should set in this file to
get -m68060 issued at compile-time?

You're help will be greatly appreciated.


   Job Hanssen

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