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Re: need help with grfconfig

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 02:04:23PM +0100, John Vrolijk wrote:

> I've made an ascii file with the program that comes with the PicassoIV (called
> picassomodetng) which according to the programs manual should be usable
> for NetBSD configuration of the gfx device (in my case /dev/grf3).
> I've looked at the man page for grfconfig but all I've been able to
> configure is 800*600. Any other mode just gives me weird output. It looks like
> it is display the screen 4 times.

Please read what INSTALL.X11 says about grfconfig and grfmode files.
All three sections of it. The difference between 3 very old and
1.3-and-later grfmode entries is explained there.

> Can someone explain how I should interpret the hbs etc.

"man grfconfig" does this, even with a picture.


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