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Re: Gateway4?

Hello Ignatios,

On Tuesday, 15-Jun-99, 23:51:47, 
Ignatios Souvatzis <is%jocelyn.rhein.de@localhost> wrote about:
Re: Gateway4?:

> On Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 11:31:05PM +0200, Rafael Vicaría Alloza wrote:
>> #apropos version | grep fvwm
>> fvwm2 (2.xx) - F(?) Virtual Window Manager (version 2.xx) for X11

> Thats fvwm2. THere is a fvwm2 package in /usr/pkgsrc/x11/fvwm2 (once you
> install the pkgsrc.tgz)...

Thanks for the tip. I think I'll make my decision after having xdm up and
running nicely.

>>> and if I
>>> may add, even at the user level, not at the sysadmin level.
>> Look. I'm learning unix at MY pace,. It's my decision. It's my time. I'm
>> happy with it. I'm completely delighted with all the varieties of unix I
>> can get for nothing and try them and study them and change them and
>> everything.
>> And what should I care about user level or sysadmin level? What is that?

> Sysadmin: the person who su's to root to set up e.g. default
>     X session startup scripts for the users.

> User: the person(s) who use the machine for some sort of work, and set up
>     their own personal session script.

> (if you're the only one using the machine, the distinction might be less
> important.)

Yep!   B-)

> At the sysadmin level, you might (.e.g) call a different from twm
> window manages in the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession script (assuming you
> configure the system to start xdm; there is a similar default script for
> startx, I think).

> _However_: as window managers are unpriviledged user programs, each user
> is free to use a different window manager by createing his $HOME/.xsession
> or $HOME/.xclientrc and calling it from there.

> So for a unix-style maintained machine, there is no point to change the
> default from twm to a non-base-distribution window manager; even if it
> happened to be the one all sysadmins world-wide would agree is the best
> (which won't happen), their users might disagree and use a different one.

Thank you very much for your enlightening explanation.

What's then the wm set that forms the X base dist?  I mean, which ones are
within the base set and which ones aren't. Or is twm the only X base dist

Thank you very much for your help

All the best


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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