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Re: ZIP-drive problems with 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.

Hello Ruben,

On 07-Sep-98, Ruben van Staveren wrote:

>> When I try booting my machine with either 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 GENERIC kernel,
>> proceeds to probing SCSI devices, and as soon as it starts talking to my
>> external ZIP-drive, I get:
>> cbiisc0 at line 1215: unexpected MESSAGE OUT phase
>> panic: kvtop: zero page frame
> You need -current ncr53c9x.c, ncr53c9xreg.h and ncr53c9xvar.h
> If they are not suitable for 1.3.x usage anymore, I can mail them to you.

Thanks. I've installed "current" kernel and it seems to work with 1.3.2

Another problem I have is that I am unable to boot with all my 96 megabytes
of RAM - kernel panicks after outputting just a few lines. I limited it (-m)
to 82MB and now it works ok.

Ps. Enlightenment 0.14 on CV64 rocks! ;)
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