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Re: Antwort: Re: blizzppc.device and NetBSD 1.3.2

In article <1019.550T2624T8906531%ebox.tninet.se@localhost>,
        "Rasmus Wiman" <rasmus%ebox.tninet.se@localhost> writes:
> I have a couple of times thought of trying just a recompile of the Amiga
> Kernel, but changing the cpu option to "CPU=PPC" or whatever the option is.

Do you really thing it is that easy? If it were the NetBSD people would be
a bunch of idiots because they didn't do that. Seriously spoken this can't
work for many reasons, e.g.:

1.) The toolchain (gcc, as, ld, etc.) shipped with NetBSD Amiga knows how
    to create a.out m68k binaries. It doesn't know anything about other
    CPUs or file formats (PPC uses ELF).

2.) Even if it would now it wouldn't help because as the Amiga kernel
    sources are really CPU specific, a small part of them is even written
    in assembler.

> or probably: how horribly would it fail?

See above.

To really get NetBSD running on a PPC board you will need to create a
*complete* new NetBSD port - call it "amippc" - based on the generic
PPC architecture.

Afterwards you'll have to rework all the Zorro II/III drivers to be machine
indepent because the CPUs are quite different.

And of course you'll need a complete new NetBSD loader for AmigaOS.

Matthias Scheler                                http://home.owl.de/~tron/

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