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Re: Antwort: Re: blizzppc.device and NetBSD 1.3.2

In article <41256671.004EFA69.00%dbogw2-e1.esb.eur.deuba.com@localhost>,
        thomas-peter.klug%db.com@localhost writes:
> In a perfect world there would be a patch, which would modify the
> miniroot.fs ...

Hardware support is a kernel issue and the kernel is not on the miniroot.
So what you need is a new kernel, not a new miniroot.

> ... to support my blizzppc.device.

NetBSD is a complete operating system which doesn't use any of the AmigaOS
device drivers. To a support any kind of hardware a special driver has to
be written.

Matthias Scheler                                http://home.owl.de/~tron/

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