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blizzppc.device and NetBSD 1.3.2, concerning recompiling Amiga Kernel

        From port-amiga-owner-abreeve=afterlife.ncsc.mil%netbsd.org@localhost  
Thu Sep  3 09:20:36 1998
        Date: 03 Sep 98 14:50:52 +0100
        From: "Rasmus Wiman" <rasmus%ebox.tninet.se@localhost>
        Subject: Re: Antwort: Re: blizzppc.device and NetBSD 1.3.2
        To: "Matthias Scheler" <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
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        01-Sep-98 22:48:39, Matthias Scheler (tron%lyssa.owl.de@localhost) 

        >NetBSD is a complete operating system which doesn't use any of the 
        >device drivers. To a support any kind of hardware a special driver has 
        >be written.

        I have a couple of times thought of trying just a recompile of the Amiga
        Kernel, but changing the cpu option to "CPU=PPC" or whatever the option 
is. I
        suppose this implies a change in files.amiga and the other files in
        /sys/arch/amiga/conf/ too. How well would this naive approach work (or
        probably: how horribly would it fail?) Also, loadBSD would have to be 
        to give let the PPC take over, as well as the bootblocks. The main 
problem is
        that I don't think I have enough space on my hard disk, neither do I 
have a
        PPC card.

                                Rasmus  Wiman
                           THE LAST SURFER IN HELL

        rasmus%ebox.tninet.se@localhost (Preferred)
        razz%lysator.liu.se@localhost (also possible)

        This sounds like an excellent idea, if you had a copy of the Amiga 
source code, because it gets to the root of several compatibility problems the
Ami Kernel has for increasing it's capabilities.  But, where, how, do we get
a copy of the kernel, or buy licensing rights to get it, so we can make code
changes and submit them to the Gateway folks for incorporation if they so choose
like the NetBSD program works so well.  Also, we can't have 40 different Amiga
Kernels running around (must have configuration control) to maintain some sanity
about these developments, like is done with NetBSD, FreeBSD, Linux, etc.

Allen B. Reeves               Department of Defense
abreeve%afterlife.ncsc.mil@localhost           (301)688-0896w

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