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Re: Mozilla

Date sent:              Thu, 03 Sep 1998 10:29:36 +0200
From:                   Wolfgang Hochweller 
Subject:                Mozilla
To:                     port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost

> What is the latest status for the mozilla port ?
> I installed the  19980728 package without problems,
> everything seems to be there, but running it causes
> problems.
> After a warning regarding some droplist widget stuff I get
> a segmentation fault.
> Any ideas ?

You should check their packages info on their web site. 


Mozilla has a long list of programs it needs to set-up and run.  (I 
downloaded them all).  Unfortunately one program "lesstif" does not 
have a compiled binary for 680x0.  I think it only had a i386 version.

Until you get this, I think you are stuck.   (And if you do compile 
the binary yourself, send me an email.
> I am running on a A4000 with PicassoIV, Cyberstorm 060 with
> CybSCSI and Ariadne.
> Thanks,
> Wolfgang Hochweller

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