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Re: Umlaute

Georges Heinesch <ghmlist%ibm.net@localhost> wrote:

>I installed X11 according INSTALL and didn't change anything in the
>configuration, except for what is said in INSTALL.
>Why does xterm not show/accept Umlaute?

Under which circumstances does this happen?  If you try to enter
Umlauted vowels directly into the shell running on your xterm and
do not see anything this is OK - the shell filters 'em out (I think).

Try the following:

    cat >/dev/null

and hit some Umlauted keys.  If they appear now, your system is
running as it's supposed to do.

If there still are no accented chars visible, you may try to add
an "xmodmap" (see manpage) command to your .xinitrc . Additionally
you need an .xmodmaprc file in your home directory containing the
necessary keybindings.  Sorry, I can't send you a copy of my
.xmodmaprc right now, but tommorow I'll do unless some other kind
soul is faster than me.


   Michael Boehnisch

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