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Re: Memory problem Part II

Ignatios Souvatzis <is%jocelyn.rhein.de@localhost> wrote

michael Boehnisch wrote:
>> Just to add my $.02:  In my A2000 Rev. 6.4 I have to put the
>> Picasso II in the leftmost slot or else boards left of it
> won't get configured most of the time.  I have no idea why.
>In your case, a hardware problem of some sort? As NetBSD does NOT
>do any Zorro autoconfiguration of its own, but just reads what
>kickstart passes to it via the bootloader, you should see the same
>lossage on AmigaOS, right?

Correct.  It's not NetBSD specific.

BTW: what is the recommended method to configure memory outside
the ZII address space for NetBSD?  Currently I have to boot
AmigaOS and start a reset-proof program to make the memory on
my DKB 2632 known to the system, then switch to NetBSD via LoadBSD.

Is there a possibility to make the memory available to NetBSD
without this kludge?


    Michael B"ohnisch

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