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Re: Memory problem Part II

On Mon, Aug 10, 1998 at 05:09:57PM +0200, Michael Boehnisch wrote:
> BTW: what is the recommended method to configure memory outside
> the ZII address space for NetBSD?  Currently I have to boot
> AmigaOS and start a reset-proof program to make the memory on
> my DKB 2632 known to the system, then switch to NetBSD via LoadBSD.

If it is reset proof, you should be able to reboot via the boot loader!

> Is there a possibility to make the memory available to NetBSD
> without this kludge?

Yes. Add another kludge to the boot loader, so that it adds a fixed memory
region to the memory list reported to the system.

Maybe this could be an option to the loader, something like

netbsd -m 0x8000000 -M 0x8100000

would load it at the memory segment beginning 8000000.

Do you feel you can work on this?


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