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Re: Piccolo Problems solved!

Ingmar Sittl wrote...

> Hi everyone,
> After all the discussion on the mailing-list about the 'too much memory'
> problem with too few NKMEMCLUSTERS in the kernel i decided to try to
> compile a kernel with more NKMEMCLUSTERS. First I tried to load netbsd
> with less memory (-m30000) to look if NetBSD works with slight less
> memory, and then I compiled the kernel with NKMEMCLUSTERS = 512.
> And, voila, the invisible writing problem with my Piccolo is gone.

[ snip ]

I have now done the same with my kernel and it appears to have fixed
the 'invisible writing' problem I was seeing on my Picasso-II. So in
my case, two 16MB memory blocks plus assorted Z2 cards requires
NKMEMCLUSTERS to be increased.

    George Harvey                  | Amiga A3000T, CyberStorm-II 040,
    email: fr30%dial.pipex.com@localhost     | Picasso-II, MFC-III, Ariadne

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