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Re: Ariadne errors

On Wed Aug 27 16:33:00 1997, Torgeir Lilleskog wrote:
> Hi!
> I finished installing NetBSD 1.2 just the other day.
> I must say it seems like a very solid product!
> I even got to install X11 (with support for my PicassoIV -- Great!),
> and got Ethernetworking up and running on my Ariadne card. I have a
> direct connection to the Internet at 10Mb/s.
> The only problem I have is with the networking, while initializing the
> ae0 interface I get the message : lost carrier. 

Which ethernet port do you use on the Ariadne ? TP or BNC (i think you use TP)?

> I thought this meant I didn't get a connection, but upon further
> inspection everything was functional (PING, FTP etc.).

It only means that you don't get a carrier on the TP cable for the first

> I also get rather a few of the messages like:
> crc mismatch
> framing error

That is normal if you are on a big network segment.

> They seem to crop up every few minutes, but when disk activity is
> high, the pop up rather more often.

I am not sure why we see this on nearly every ethernet card with a LANCE-
Ethernetchip, but it could be that the lance can't handle the traffic.


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