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ready for review: qcad (essentially done, I think)

I have an update of cad/qcad and since it is both a significant upgrade and
my first pkg, I committed it in wip in case there are any suggestions how
I could do things better.

The existing cad/qcad is based on the 1.5.4 sources, about three years out of
date; this uses which is the current Community Edition (GPL) release.
1.x to 2.0 was a big maturity milestone - 1.x was a bit disappointing for
expectations of doing CAD for any real project, but with 2.0 it's a
realistic thought.  :)

I have also split the package into:

  qcad   (the pre-existing package, plus:)

  qcad-manual-cs  \
  qcad-manual-de   |  Choose your favorite language, only one can be installed
  qcad-manual-en   |  Appears in the QCad Help->Manual (qt3 assistant)
  qcad-manual-hu  /

* qcad-partlibrary (about 4500 components and parts for QCad's insert browser)
* (note: so far I have had no success committing qcad-partlibrary: cvs hangs
  and times out, always on the PLIST file, which is large but not THAT large,
  about 10000 lines...anybody have any idea what's up with that? sourceforge
  support hasn't been any help yet.  qcad-partlibrary will be there as soon
  as I find a successful way to commit it.)

I have some questions whether pkgsrc offers better ways of doing things than
what I stumbled on; you can read my questions in the TODO file and let me know
any better ideas.

The questions are just for my better learning pkgsrc - the packages work fine
for me so I think they're essentially done.

Thanks for reviewing!


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