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Re: How to update?

Thanks for your help.

I'm getting:

cvs [server aborted]: "commit" requires write access to the repository
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvs01703b

After I try cvs commit and have run:

cvs login

Without CVSROOT, but with CVS_RSH=ssh

I still seem to be a member on the page but I must be doing
something wrong... sorry!

Also I manually rm -r'd the patches directory and as such lost the CVS
bit inside, so cannot remove the patches/patch-aa etc. How can I
rectify this without overwriting the new Makefile, PLIST etc. I have?

Sorry for the stupidness!


On 6/21/05, Jeremy C. Reed <> wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Amadeus Stevenson wrote:
> > I've removed patches, edited Makefile, PLIST (manually - is there
> > another way?) etc. and ran pkglint.
> bmake print-PLIST can be used to help create a PLIST, but it needs to be
> manually reviewed also.
> Also do a "bmake makepatchsum" and "bmake makesum" if needed.
> > Can anybody tell me the correct command to update?
> I first review the output of:
>   cvs diff -bu
> Then do a "cvs add" for any new files you have. And "cvs rm" for any files
> removed too.
> And then do a cvs commit for the files you have added or modified or
> removed.
>  Jeremy C. Reed
>                          technical support & remote administration

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