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Re: Updating mbrola (again)

On Jan 21,  4:56pm, adr wrote:
} Subject: Re: Updating mbrola (again)
} On Sun, 21 Jan 2024, Brian Buhrow wrote:
} Just for curiosity, what do you use as your trusted terminal?
} Specialized hardware?

	Today, no specialized hardware.  Just a NetBSD machine with a couple of sound cards,
running with Yasr and Eflite.  In days of your, one would use a hardware speech synthesizer,
such as the DECTalk, DoubleTalk, something called the ARTIC Systems PC, etc.  I began my
computer adventure on Apple II and IIe hardware using a hardware synthesizer called the Echo
from a company called Street Electronics.  At one time, I could write 6502 assembly code from
memory; that was a long time ago! Lol.

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