Reinoud Zandijk <> writes:
For my private mail addresses however, we'd like to be able to also use IMAP
on my phone and be able to use thunderbird/webmail.
Others have recommended dovecot and sieve, and I would too. You could
also use procmail to deliver to maildir and have dovecot serve that.
Is there an IMAP server that allows for pre-sorted mbox mailboxes? And how to
set them up? I tried googling but I only get maildir setups.
That makes it sound like you are intending to access the mbox mailboxes
that the IMAP server uses with some other program at the same time.
It's not clear that this is sound.
My recommendation is to just use IMAP. That's what I do, and for most
usage (including reading your message and replying) I'm using
emacs/gnus. I have no idea if mutt can deal with IMAP.