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Re: pkg/45485: wm/fluxbox fails on build

The following reply was made to PR pkg/45485; it has been noted by GNATS.

Subject: Re: pkg/45485: wm/fluxbox fails on build
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 18:20:39 -0400

 On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 09:35:02PM +0000, Matthew Mondor wrote:
 >  Various packages you report as failing in pkgsrc-2011Q3 have built
 >  successfully on netbsd-5 for me (more recent than 5.0.1), using native
 >  X11.
 >  Does the .buildlink indeed point to /usr/X11R7/ and not /usr/pkg/ ?
 Which .buildlink specifically? pkgsrc/cat/pkg/work/.buildlink?
 >  Also, does nm(1) on /usr/X11R7/lib/
 >  and /usr/X11R7/lib/ show the expected symbols?
 % nm /usr/X11R7/lib/
          U XMissingExtension
 0000098c T XPanoramiXAllocInfo
 00000e6c T XPanoramiXGetScreenCount
 00000d28 T XPanoramiXGetScreenSize
 00000fa0 T XPanoramiXGetState
 00001238 T XPanoramiXQueryExtension
 000010d4 T XPanoramiXQueryVersion
          U XextAddDisplay
          U XextCreateExtension
          U XextFindDisplay
          U XextRemoveDisplay
 00000c1c T XineramaIsActive
 00001274 T XineramaQueryExtension
 00000a24 T XineramaQueryScreens
 00001210 T XineramaQueryVersion
 0000235c A _DYNAMIC
          w _Jv_RegisterClasses
          U _XEatData
          U _XFlush
          U _XRead
          U _XReply
 000024ec A __bss_start
          w __cxa_finalize
          w __deregister_frame_info
 00002480 d __dso_handle
          w __register_frame_info
 000024ec A _edata
 00002514 A _end
 00001300 T _fini
 000007a0 T _init
          U malloc
 % nm /usr/X11R7/lib/
 0000b3e8 T DPMSCapable
 0000afa4 T DPMSDisable
 0000b07c T DPMSEnable
 0000ae9c T DPMSForceLevel
 0000b154 T DPMSGetTimeouts
 0000b508 T DPMSGetVersion
 0000ad6c T DPMSInfo
 0000b63c T DPMSQueryExtension
 0000b290 T DPMSSetTimeouts
          U XAddExtension
          U XESetCloseDisplay
          U XESetCopyGC
          U XESetCreateFont
          U XESetCreateGC
          U XESetError
          U XESetErrorString
          U XESetEventToWire
          U XESetFlushGC
          U XESetFreeFont
          U XESetFreeGC
          U XESetWireToEvent
          U XFlush
          U XFree
          U XGetErrorDatabaseText
          U XGetVisualInfo
          U XIfEvent
          U XInitExtension
 00009750 T XLbxGetEventBase
 00009778 T XLbxQueryExtension
 0000961c T XLbxQueryVersion
 0000aa90 T XMITMiscGetBugMode
 0000ac90 T XMITMiscQueryExtension
 0000abb0 T XMITMiscSetBugMode
 0000b788 T XMissingExtension
 00007d74 T XSecurityAllocXauth
 000080f0 T XSecurityFreeXauth
 00007d98 T XSecurityGenerateAuthorization
 00007c40 T XSecurityQueryExtension
 0000798c T XSecurityRevokeAuthorization
 0000b758 T XSetExtensionErrorHandler
 00007200 T XShapeCombineMask
 0000762c T XShapeCombineRectangles
 00007764 T XShapeCombineRegion
 00007100 T XShapeCombineShape
 00006a30 T XShapeGetRectangles
 00006c88 T XShapeInputSelected
 00007010 T XShapeOffsetShape
 00007430 T XShapeQueryExtension
 00006e8c T XShapeQueryExtents
 000072fc T XShapeQueryVersion
 00006db0 T XShapeSelectInput
 00005f38 T XShmAttach
 00006880 T XShmCreateImage
 00005d2c T XShmCreatePixmap
 00005e50 T XShmDetach
 00006044 T XShmGetEventBase
 0000650c T XShmGetImage
 0000628c T XShmPixmapFormat
 000066e0 T XShmPutImage
 0000606c T XShmQueryExtension
 000063c8 T XShmQueryVersion
 00005844 T XSyncAwait
 00005624 T XSyncChangeAlarm
 00004dc8 T XSyncChangeCounter
 00005730 T XSyncCreateAlarm
 00004fb8 T XSyncCreateCounter
 00004ad0 T XSyncDestroyAlarm
 00004ce8 T XSyncDestroyCounter
 00005a84 T XSyncFreeSystemCounterList
 00004744 T XSyncGetPriority
 000050ac T XSyncInitialize
 000043a4 T XSyncIntToValue
 000043bc T XSyncIntsToValue
 00005abc T XSyncListSystemCounters
 0000469c T XSyncMaxValue
 000046b4 T XSyncMinValue
 0000496c T XSyncQueryAlarm
 00004bb0 T XSyncQueryCounter
 000051e8 T XSyncQueryExtension
 00004ec0 T XSyncSetCounter
 0000487c T XSyncSetPriority
 0000455c T XSyncValueAdd
 000044e0 T XSyncValueEqual
 00004458 T XSyncValueGreaterOrEqual
 000043d0 T XSyncValueGreaterThan
 00004554 T XSyncValueHigh32
 00004514 T XSyncValueIsNegative
 0000453c T XSyncValueIsPositive
 00004520 T XSyncValueIsZero
 0000449c T XSyncValueLessOrEqual
 00004414 T XSyncValueLessThan
 0000454c T XSyncValueLow32
 000045fc T XSyncValueSubtract
 0000c2ec D XTestFakeAckType
 00003d34 T XTestFakeInput
 00003eb8 T XTestFlush
 00003c70 T XTestGetInput
 0000c6a0 B XTestInputActionType
 0000404c T XTestMovePointer
 0000428c T XTestPressButton
 000042c4 T XTestPressKey
 00003a1c T XTestQueryInputSize
 00003af8 T XTestReset
 00003bb4 T XTestStopInput
 0000a01c T XagCreateAssociation
 0000a8a8 T XagCreateEmbeddedApplicationGroup
 0000a784 T XagCreateNonembeddedApplicationGroup
 0000a1e8 T XagDestroyApplicationGroup
 0000a030 T XagDestroyAssociation
 0000a430 T XagGetApplicationGroupAttributes
 0000a0b4 T XagQueryApplicationGroup
 0000a2c8 T XagQueryVersion
 0000357c T XcupGetReservedColormapEntries
 000037f4 T XcupQueryVersion
 00003280 T XcupStoreColors
 00002a74 T XdbeAllocateBackBufferName
 000028bc T XdbeBeginIdiom
 00002994 T XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName
 000027e4 T XdbeEndIdiom
 00002d4c T XdbeFreeVisualInfo
 00002684 T XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes
 00002ef8 T XdbeGetVisualInfo
 00002b78 T XdbeQueryExtension
 00002d8c T XdbeSwapBuffers
 000098d8 T XeviGetVisualInfo
 00009ffc T XeviQueryExtension
 00009ec8 T XeviQueryVersion
 0000b938 T XextAddDisplay
 0000b8fc T XextCreateExtension
 0000bb9c T XextDestroyExtension
 0000b6a0 T XextFindDisplay
 0000b81c T XextRemoveDisplay
 000088e8 T XmbufChangeBufferAttributes
 00008a68 T XmbufChangeWindowAttributes
 0000818c T XmbufClearBufferArea
 00008e4c T XmbufCreateBuffers
 000085c4 T XmbufCreateStereoWindow
 00008288 T XmbufDestroyBuffers
 00008be8 T XmbufDisplayBuffers
 00008d04 T XmbufGetBufferAttributes
 00009204 T XmbufGetScreenInfo
 00008fd8 T XmbufGetVersion
 000093e4 T XmbufGetWindowAttributes
 00008354 T XmbufQueryExtension
 0000c054 A _DYNAMIC
          w _Jv_RegisterClasses
          U _XAllocScratch
          U _XEatData
 0000c7b4 B _XExtensionErrorFunction
          U _XFlush
          U _XFlushGCCache
          U _XGetBitsPerPixel
          U _XGetScanlinePad
          U _XInitImageFuncPtrs
          U _XLockMutex_fn
          U _XRead
          U _XReadPad
          U _XReply
          U _XSend
          U _XSetLastRequestRead
          U _XUnlockMutex_fn
          U _XVIDtoVisual
          U _Xglobal_lock
 0000c64c A __bss_start
          w __cxa_finalize
          w __deregister_frame_info
 0000c220 d __dso_handle
          w __register_frame_info
          U __sF
 0000c64c A _edata
 0000c7b8 A _end
 0000bc10 T _fini
 000021e0 T _init
          U calloc
          U exit
          U fprintf
          U free
          U malloc
          U memcpy
          U memmove
          U printf
          U sprintf
 I'm fairly certain that libXinerama and libXext are being pulled in from
 pkgsrc and built though, as i have PREFER_PKGSRC=yes and am watching these
 packages being fetched and built.
 >  I also see that the /usr/pkg/lib/ path is being provided before
 >  the /usr/X11R7/lib/ one for -L, is there a duplicate library
 >  under /usr/pkg/lib/ that should normally only be in /usr/X11R7/lib/ when
 >  using native-X11?
 libXinerama and libXext also exist under /usr/pkg, as PREFER_PKGSRC=yes.
 X11TYPE is not set.
 >  Is it possible that in your shell profile scripts or mk.conf some
 >  variables that should only be appended to, such as COPTS, CFLAGS,
 >  LDFLAGS, are being reset rather than appended to?  This has caused me
 >  various unexpected problems in the past.
 From the profile:
 There's not anything similar to what you've described in mk.conf. Other than
 what i've already stated, just PKG_OPTIONS.* and ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES- nothing
 i would imagine to hose several of these packages.
 Thanks for your help and insights.

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