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Re: netbsd crashes when using fat filesys (Rhialto) writes:

>I had something similar recently when doing a rename of a file on a FAT
>file system (in this case my /efi file system). Fortunately I had it
>mounted with -o rump, because it was 100% repeatable.

>I filed for it.

Maybe that's rump.

        KASSERT(tcnp->cn_cred == cred);

genfs:  /*
         * XXX Want a better equality test.  `tcnp->cn_cred == cred'
         * hoses p2k because puffs transmits the creds separately and
         * allocates distinct but equivalent structures for them.
        KASSERT(kauth_cred_uidmatch(cred, tcnp->cn_cred));

Can you still repeat the crash when you change the assertion
to match the genfs check ?

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