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Re: xfm (Andrew Ball) writes:


>The man page for sysutils/xfm says, in the section 'RUNNING XFM FOR

>   "When the user starts up xfm for the first time (more precisely,
>    when the user does not yet have a .xfm directory), a dialog pops
>    up which asks whether she wants to run the xfm.install script..."

>Instead I get an error box that says "! Sorry: Appl. Defaults Not
>Found check XFILESEARCHPATH and friends".  The only button provided is

You can copy the Xfm app-defaults to your file search path or add
/usr/pkg/lib/X11/app-defaults to the search path. The package
probably assumes the pkgsrc X libraries.

Then you get errors in that file regarding the translation strings.
If you strip the unknown translations HIST_TRANSLATION(..) and
LOG_TRANSLATION in that file, xfm will start. But it's not very
functional, e.g. a click on a folder icon has no effect.

The package needs some love...

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