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Re: Hundreds of crypto file descriptors for Apache httpd (Frank Wille) writes:

>Michael van Elst wrote:

>> I think the only option you have now is to prevent access to /dev/crypto.

>Confirmed! I renamed /dev/crypto and all the 200+ file desciptors per
>apache process are gone. Horde also feels snappier again and the PHP
>warning about FD_SETSIZE disappeared as well.

The remaining question is why 200 descriptors per process and not
just one. The engine code didn't work differently in previous
openssl versions.

Do you spawn 200 threads per process ? The mpm worker model might
do that, the prefork model should be safe.

I can imagine that openssl is now initialized (including devcrypto
engine) for every thread.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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