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Re: regression w/latest dhcpcd?

On Tue, 30 Apr 2019, Roy Marples wrote:

> As to the need to bring the interface up, can you try reverting this
> commit please?
> I've had a similar report from an OpenBSD user that reverting this
> helps, but it's needed for wireless to work in early boot. At least
> for the wireless cards I have.

I looked at the git URL for the commit.  Not sure how to apply it to my
netbsd-8 CVS tree, so I got the "diff" form and applied it as a reverse
patch.  The first didn't work, but was simple enough to do manually.  The
other two applied with quite some offset.

I've rebuilt a release for sparc with this patch (and the prior one) but
have not had a chance to try it yet.

An amd64 machine running netbsd-8 from local disk with the latest 'dhcpcd'
but before either patch configures its "bge0" interface without issue.
I do enable the various hardware offload features in "/etc/ifconfig.bge0"
before the "dhcp" keyword, so the interface is touched (to some degree)
before 'dhcpcd' gets its mitts on it.

I have another amd64 machine with "fxp(4)" and thus no special features.
It has no local disk, so only boots -current via PXE/tftp/NFS.  I should
update my live-USB sticks for both -current and netbsd-8 and use that.
Likely a valid test even if 'dhcpcd' is run manually rather than from

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