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Re: Installation CD disabled during boot

At Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:22:23 +0900,
Masanobu SAITOH wrote:
>  As the audit trail of this PR is saying, the PR was fixed and
> pulled up to netbsd-6 branch. So if your problem is the same as
> this PR, binary snapshot of netbsd-6 branch have no this problem.
> NetBSD 6.2 will be released on this branch.
>  Could you try a snapshot?

  I built a bootable USB stick (interesting learning process!) and set
  it up to use the 201409131410Z netbsd-INSTALL kernel and had the
  same experience: USB is disabled just as before, so the expected
  /dev/sd0a isn't found.

  If I've understood correctly, one of the following must be true:

  - this problem is different from PR 46696 (possible);

  - somehow, the fix to 46696 isn't included in snapshot 201409131410Z
    (unlikely, I suppose); or

  - I've made a mistake (quite possible).

  As it seems that my hardware and NetBSD aren't mutually compatible,
  I'll need to take a different approach.

  Thanks for your help.


  Niall O'Reilly


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