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Re: Free Pascal 2.6.2 package for NetBSD?

On 5/24/2013 22:55, Tim R wrote:
Greetings all, new here.

I was looking around for a NetBSD package for Free Pascal 2.6.2 but to no avail.
I was able to download a NetBSD build from the Free Pascal repository.
No issues so far. I was just wondering if anyone is looking into making a
NetBSD pkgsrc package of Free Pascal? If not would it be a big "production"
  for me to do it? I am new to xBSD and haven't really looked into the ins
  and outs of pkgsrc yet. I have worked with many Linux flavors though so I
  pretty much know my way around the fundamentals.

Actually it would be an extremely big production.

Obstacle 1: The NetBSD support was dormant for the better part of a decade. Some work on it has been done recently, but I think it's still experimental. So the first question is if it actually runs.

Obstacle 2: You need a bootstrap compiler built for every architecture of every platform (theoretically).

Obstacle 3: The sheer number of packages needed to properly support it. FreeBSD Ports have over 100 ports dedicated to FreePascal, mainly for the FPC library units.

I've got a fair amount of experience both using FreePascal and also I've tried to bootstrap it for DragonFly (I can cross-compile it but the helloworld coredumps on a syscall so I've got some more work to do.)

This is an elephant you are contemplating to eat, but you know, lots of small bites...


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