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Re: Would you recommend NetBSD for…?

Am Dienstag, 24. April 2012, 09:56:44 schrieben Sie:
> So, the question I have is "Would you as a NetBSD user recommend NetBSD for
> production servers? Why or why not?"

we *USE* NetBSD for productive Internet Servers since many years and do not 
want to switch over to other systems. ;)

But especially with high quality NOC server hardware there may a lack of some 
high level features - i.e. IPMI and hardware control / monitoring facilities. 
As we use NetBSD mainly on Xen paravirtualization (NetBSD DomU) with Xen / 
Linux Dom0 - because some special driver stuff is just available under Linux 
from i.e. HP or IBM -  this is no problem for us.

I would prefer NetBSD over Linux where i need realiability under higher load 
scenarios or a just working "horse"...

Afaik there are many out's here who run NetBSD natively on i.e. HP or IBM 
machines for similiar applications too.


 Niels Dettenbach
 Syndicat IT & Internet

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