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libs are not found (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)


if I compile programs by hand, then I get errors like:

        Shared object "" not found

I can solve this by exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib, but this
is no clean solution.

Following is some example output of `ldd' for a program compiled by

        $ ldd /usr/local/bin/dmenu
                -lc.12 => /usr/lib/
                -lX11.6 => not found
                -lXinerama.1 => not found

Surprisingly (for me), this is no issue when I compile in pkgsrc. The
same program (in a slightly different version):

        $ ldd /usr/pkgsrc/x11/dmenu/work/dmenu-3.9/dmenu
                -lc.12 => /usr/lib/
                -lX11.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/
                -lXext.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/
                -lXinerama.1 => /usr/X11R6/lib/

Both commands were run right after each other from the same shell,
hence the library path seems to be compiled in.

How can I solve this?


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