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Re: NET4501 kernel build fails

On Mon, 31 Oct 2022, Simon Burge wrote:

> "John D. Baker" wrote:
> > On Mon, 31 Oct 2022, John D. Baker wrote:
> >
> > > The "NET4501" kernel build fails as shown below.  This is probably due
> > > to "-Os" optimization causing GCC to be unable to grok the initialization
> > > condition for "ctp".
> >
> This is an incorrect warning with i386 gcc and -Os only.  Other arches
> (I tried a handful) and i386 with -O2 don't give the warning.

Yes, failures of this sort always crop up with i386 and -Os.  It has
happened a number of times in the past.  I am apparently the only person
building the NET4501 kernel (actually my own local variant with even
more stuff disabled and a few key subsystems enabled).

It seems I hadn't gotten around to building i386 since the console
MP-safe stuff was re-re-committed, the network changes and other bits
were committed, so I only now ran into this.  I built evbmips-64el,
sparc, macppc, dreamcast, (and playstation2, but only distsets, no
kernels) without hitting this.  At that point, a critical network bug
would be noticed, analyzed and fixed so I'd abort my builds, CVS update
and start over.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]consolidated[flyspeck]net  OpenBSD            FreeBSD
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