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Re: Aw: Re: /var/db/entropy-file not present

    Date:        Thu, 12 Nov 2015 17:39:55 +0100 (CET)
    Message-ID:  <>

  | I think the script thinks the /var/db is an unsafe filesystem.

Ah, I was assuming that couldn't be the case, because you said that it
worked when you ran it manually.   But I suspect that you're suffering from
the effects of PR 47326 -- which also means that you're running NetBSD 6
(or earlier) right?

Get /etc/rc.d/random_seed from cvs, or from NetBSD-7 (or current) and
use that instead of the NetBSD 6 version.   The new one should work fine
(that is, have no issues running on an older system.)


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