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Re: pf--?

On 2015-01-17 7:09, Thomas Klausner wrote:
Is the functionality you need already there in npf, or what in particular would you be missing

Does npf have ALTQ integration? As far as I know, altqd only supports basic classification, and pf is required for fine-grained rules.

Name: Dave Huang         |  Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
INet: |  they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
FurryMUCK: Dahan         |  dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
Dahan: Hani G Y+C 39 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++

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