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Re: NetBSD 10 and framebuffer consoles setup vs 9.3 (font, multiple...)

On Thu, 11 Apr 2024, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

Here I found that enabling fonts helps. To restore the old behavior, I explicitely need to set:
setvar  ttyE0   font            Terminus16B-ISO8859-1

apparently otherwise something which looks like 32B seems to be used...

There are 2 fonts compiled into the GENERIC kernel by default:

$ fgrep FONT_ /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/conf/GENERIC
options         FONT_BOLD8x16
options         FONT_BOLD16x32

and the system will now use the larger font if you have a high enough
display. Otherwise, you would end up with an unreadable chars. on, say, 4K

While installing, you can escape into the shell, then do:

wsconsctl -dw font=Boldface

then carry on with the installation.

 3) basic console behaves strange. login and shell does work, but if I do
 vi, I cannot navigate, keyboard is mapped wrongly, cursor keys do not
 work... totally crazy. Also certain promts spit out withyout newline, only
 carriage-return. Like it is not behaving as vt100?

This is a very nasty thing. However, now that I have 4 consoles, I notice that 1,2,3 work fine, it is console 0 that doesn't work well! But it is also... the first one and the only one I had at the beginning.

On 10.0 I notice:
console "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         vt100   off secure
constty "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         vt100   on secure

While on 9.3:
console "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         wsvt25  off secure
constty "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         wsvt25  on secure

notice vt100 vs wsvt25?

Is this mis-behaviour seen always or only if you sudo?

I see this only when using a recent sudo, and only on constty.


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