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re: X11R7 Xserver for x68k

> Last weekend I've managed to port old xfree X68k Xserver to X11R7.
> x68k port has not been wscons'fied (yet), so I just copied
> old style xsrc/xfree/xc/program/Xserver/hw/netbsd/x68k server
> sources to xsrc/external/mit/xorg-server/dist/hw/netbsd/x68k
> and put minimum changes (for Xorg API changes) to build
> a 'monolithic' Xserver binary like Xnest and Xvfb.
> Patch is here (can be applied both HEAD and netbsd-6):

while not perfect, this sounds pretty good!  if someone gets
really interested, they can write the xf86-video-$driver for
it, but this is a big step forward.

> If there is no particular problem, I'll commit these changes
> and switch x68k port X11FLAVOR=Xorg by default.

sounds good.  thanks!


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