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matplotlib temporary hack

graphics/py-matplotlib is currently broken, because v3.7.2 forbids our
version of pyparsing, 3.1.0.

The upstream issue only affects error messages and the test scripts.
Most functionality still works:

Presumably the next matplotlib release will have a fix.

wip/py-multiqc runs if I remove the "<3.1.0" requirements from
matplotlib's requirements, e.g.

Any objections to the following temporary hack, so that pkgsrc
matplotlib dependents can function?

The only other rational solution I can see is downgrading pyparsing to <
3.1.0.  In theory, matplotlib could use devel/pyparsing2, but it depends
on python 2.x.


# Hack to allow apps to run despite known issues

---       2023-07-20 13:08:02.696854685 +0000
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ setup(  # Finally, pass this all along t
-        "pyparsing>=2.3.1,<3.1",
+        "pyparsing>=2.3.1",
     ] + (
         # Installing from a git checkout that is not producing a wheel.

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