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Re: Clarity on rust failures (NetBSD)

> If the bootstrap is still broken on armv7 [...]

It has lagged behind; the latest bootstrap kit I've cross-built
was 1.35.0.  I never succeeded in building rust natively on my
emulated armv7hf system; it just reqires too much virtual memory
in, I beleive, the linking stage.  So, yes, as far I am concerned
even though the bootstrap may work, you can't build rust with it.

I did at the time hear some rumours that others had managed to
build rust on armv7hf, but I didn't manage to replicate the
trick.  Was it Nick who had a contact who made that claim?

Anyway, it seems highly unlikely this will be fixed in the short

> [...] can we switch to using librsvg-c on armv7 (especially if
> this isn't fixed before freeze?)

No objection from here.


- Håvard

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