On Mon, May 04, 2020 at 08:41:59PM +0200, Roland Illig wrote:
On 04.05.2020 13:26, Patrick Welche wrote:
I see adwaita-icon-theme in Jonathan's list. I can argue the case both
ways - thoughts?
$ cat adwaita-icon-theme.pc.in
Name: gnome-icon-theme
Description: A collection of icons used as the basis for GNOME themes
Version: @VERSION@
so it contains no variables that need to be overridden => get rid
In the unlikely event that a variable is added, I wouldn't see the
event ".pc file added" which would trigger "must check overrides",
I would just install an unsanitized .pc file => just leave it.
I changed SUBST_NOOP_OK._pkgconfig to yes since this affects 9 of the
top 10 from the latest bulk build. Because fixing the pkg-config files
is such a basic operation that is done so often, we will notice any bugs
in that general pattern quickly.
I'm really, really annoyed by this attitude. We still have month old
packages failing due to check-portability.mk inflating the already huge
number of broken packages due to the OpenSSL fiasco. Can we please stop
adding more unncessary breakage and get the numbers down into a sensible
range for at least one mainstream platform? The current signal-to-noise
ratio hides too many problems already.