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Re: Dependency on devel/readline?

Hauke Fath <> writes:

>> So,  do "pkg_info gawk" and see if it has a registered dependency on
>> readline.
> It does.
> As the machine in question had to go back into production, I manually
> rebuilt gawk, and didn't keep any logs. So I have to work from memory
> here.
> The pkg_rr run errored out in editors/xemacs-packages, during some
> post-'all' check. Now, xemacs-packages lists gawk in TOOLS, which does
> not manifest itself in
> [hf@Hochstuhl] /<3>editors/xemacs-packages > make show-depends
> xemacs{,-nox11}>=21.1.14:../../editors/xemacs
> perl>=5.0:../../lang/perl5
> [hf@Hochstuhl] /<3>editors/xemacs-packages > make show-depends
> cwrappers>=20150314:../../pkgtools/cwrappers
> [hf@Hochstuhl] /<3>editors/xemacs-packages >
> which is probably why pkg_rr thought it safe to rebuild the package
> between readline and gawk?

Perhaps it is TOOL_DEPENDS instead of BUILD_DEPENDS.  If so, that would
be easy enough to add in pkg_rr, and it seems like we should.

Also, in general I use -k, then nuke all workdirs, and then run it
again.  Not that you should have to do that.

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