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Re: pkgsrc frozen for 2017Q2

On 06/29/17 08:40, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 07:39:33AM -0500, Jason Bacon wrote:
I think the immediate question is how many packages like googletest are
broken, perhaps because the maintainer thought this would select an
appropriate compiler?
Again: it would have been broken either way. Mixing different C++
compilers in one tree simply doesn't work.

That's not what I meant...  I'm just trying to identify packages that 
need to be fixed right now.  These packages are not going to build on 
CentOS 6 as they stand.
The best way fix the the problem is a separate issue.

We could add GCC_REQD=4.8 to all of them, but that should probably be wrapped in .if ${OPSYS} == Linux || other GCC-based systems. Clang-based systems like Mac and some BSDs can use their base compiler and shouldn't pull in a GCC dep for this.
On the other hand, I don't see an effective difference between modifying 
all these packages and making USE_LANGUAGES=c++11 imply GCC_REQD=4.8, at 
least on Linux and other GCC-based system.  We seem to end up with the 
same mix of tool chains either way, but it's just various GCC versions, 
which is not likely to cause problems.


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