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Re: RFC: vlan(4) use pkthdr instead of mtag

> No, I mean it just shouldn't use __predict_false for the branch. That's
> a stupid assumption to make. Does that make it clearer?

I understand, thanks.
Should I modify not to use __predict_false in my patch at once?
I think it isn't related to my patch directly and better to do with
the fix of the other issue that VLAN_SUPPORTED does not work.

> In VLAN_TAG_VALUE it doesn't matter as it stores the entry in the field
> reusing the remaining bits. In this case, the other bits of the vlan
> field where used for other purpses.

I think it doesn't matter, too. But, I want to change it to 0x0FFF instead of
0xFFFF, because 4095 is used for the mask in VLAN_TAG_VALUE
before my patch.


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