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Re: patch: sockaddr instead of mbuf to carry addresses


On 3/25/2015 7:46 AM, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:47:56PM +0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:

Why do we limit sockaddr_un to less than PATH_MAX? There really aren't
many reasons for it to be shorter. But if we do go that way, using
sockaddr_storage becomes even less attractive.

The limit of 253 originates from the capacity of sockkaddr_un.sun_len being uint8_t. i.e. the maximum size of the data and members of any sockaddr structure when its bounds are described by the len member.

IMO sockaddr_storage
should be the union of all network facing addresses and the potentially
largest is gone with the netiso removal.

I initially made a similar argument (off list) that sockaddr_un could/should grow in size to encompass what it was already being used for and sockaddr_storage would then have to be grown too by implication (ABI difficulties aside).

I accepted a counter argument that if you passed data bigger than a sockaddr_un structure with family of AF_UNIX then really your not passing a sockaddr structure anymore. If you make that leap then sockaddr_storage as defined now is capable of holding any address family sockaddr structure as required by susv2.

It gets interpreted as "it holds any of those defined sockaddr structures but this data isn't one" (which conveniently ignores the type of the parameter sockaddr *).

As for my patch in the kernel it seemed to make sense (consistency/simplicity) to use one structure for all even if from user-space it was a little less clear.


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