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Re: Ride the bump?

from Paul Goyette:

> FWIW, I decided I didn't need to bump the kernel version for this set of
> changes.  It really only affects the inter-dependency of two loadable modules,
> and due to the PR being fixed, it could _never_ have worked before my changes!

> The definition/initialization of the hdaudio_cd and the attributes list
> attached to the struct cfattach have both moved between two source files, but
> this only affects the outcome when built as an "external" module;  there were
> no changes for the built-in versions.

> So I went ahead and committed the changes.  They'll show up immediately in
> HEAD (aka 8.99.1), and hopefully soon, once the pull-up request has been acted
> on.
Good to know.  Now I can feel free to proceed with my update builds, amd64 and i386.

I have one NetBSD 7.99.15 installation (amd64) where I updated the kernel to 7.99.71, but not the userland.

That was the second of two computers to be updated, using NFS after updating successfully on the first.

I think I'll stay with HEAD, now 8.99.1.


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