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Re: (patch) Improved documentation and examples of dynamic modules

I don't think examples of kernel source code belong in
/usr/share/examples.  That's for example config etc. to use with
programs that are part of NetBSD; this is about extending the system by
writing code rather than using the system.

I think an example module belongs in the source tree as a module named
example, with the intent that it exercise enough features to be useful
as a reference to people who are already familiar with writing kernel
code but unfamiliar with modules.  It would make sense to build it, not
so that it can be used, but to guard against bitrot.  Presumably it will
be small, so this shouldn't be troublesome.

If it is in /usr/share/examples, it needs to be under
/usr/share/examples/sys, because "module" is not well-bound in the
system-wide namespace; these are specifically kernel modules, not
modules for any of the other programs that do or could exist.

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