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Re: xxxVERBOSE module?

On Sep 6, 10:07am, Paul Goyette wrote:
} On Fri, 21 May 2010, John Nemeth wrote:
} > } My current approach is to load the module right before the first pcibus
} > } is enumerated, and unload when finished.  So we can use the in-kernel
} >
} >    File systems aren't initialised during autoconf when the system is
} > being cold booted, thus it isn't possible for the kernel to load a
} > module at that point in time.  Also consider that on most platforms
} > with PCI, prior to the first pcibus being enumerated, the kernel
} > doesn't know anything about any disk drives that may be attached to the
} > system.
} Ah, yeah!  Ooppss!  :)
} I guess I can probably remove those changes.  So we'll have to rely on 

     Although, you can't test them, possibly keep them.  We do want to
support hotswap PCI at some point.  Also, dyoung@ is in the process of
merging cardbus into PCI.  I don't know if your changes would cause
mod_verbose to be autoloaded for cardbus, which uses PCIVERBOSE, but
cardbus insertion should be handled at some point.  And, of course,
there is PCIe and expresscard on the horizon.  expresscard is basically
hotswap PCIe along with USB (i.e.  an expresscard slot brings out
signals for both and the card determines which one it is going to

} > } The fun part is making sure that the shared code still plays nicely with
} > } src/lib/libpci :)
} >
} >     I don't know anything about libpci, but have fun with that.
} The only thing I find that uses libpci is /usr/sbin/pcictl and that 
} seems to be working fine.

     What about X?  What does it use for scanning the PCI bus?

}-- End of excerpt from Paul Goyette

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